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Simple answers to Complex Questions and Complex Answers to Simple Questions. In real life, I'm a Greater-Toronto (Canada) Realtor with RE/MAX Hallmark Realty Ltd, Brokerage. I first joined RE/MAX in 1983 and was first Registered to Trade in Real Estate in Ontario in 1974. Formerly known as "Two-Finger Ramblings of a Forensic Acuitant turned Community Synthesizer"

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Location: Province of Greater Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Benevolent Autocrat appointed to Supervise Canada

News Release

Benevolent Autocrat appointed to Supervise Canada

Ottawa - Wayne G.H.,W. Wouters (Clerk of the Privy Council & Secretary to the Cabinet) announced today that the Rt Hon Stephen Harper had (again) approached the Governor General, requesting a dissolution of Parliament, citing (again) the dysfunctionality of the current (too many subsisting-on-subsidies, Parties for anyone to have a majority) House of Commons.

He (again) stated that, in minority, he cannot handle the opposition parties snipes and swipes at his most compromising-of-electoral-platform (and-personal-principle) attempts to legislate.

(Again) he whined that even the wishy-washiest of vote-buying programs gets short-shrift and only marginal praise from the press (who normally love that infrastructure and municipality-freebie stuff).

In response the Governor General asserted that She was able to feel the Prime Minister's pain and appreciate his personal frustration .... but ... instead of kow-towing (again) to Her First Minister's self-aggrandizing wishes .... She began quoting from Her Office's foundational footings - sections 9-16 of the BNA Act 1867 and the Letters Patent of 1947.

After a few minutes of precedent-setting on whose Office had pre-eminence constitutionally in Canada, She dismissed the Prime Minister's request and made the following statement

"From this day forward Canada will be following the letter of the Constitutional Law - including both the similarities to the system of the U.K. and the unique dis-similarities that were placed in the BNA Act 1867 to permit Canada to grow to fulfillment governed as a "Constitutionally-limited Monarchy, with a democratic element of tertiary importance".

She outlined how the Fathers/Mothers of Confederation saw the foibles of the my-party-first political system in the UK and the imperialist tendencies of the democracy-without-vision system in the United States:

Heretofore, Canada will have an Executive Order of Government supervising the Legislative Order. The Governor General will head the Executive Order, advised by Her Privy Council of appointed-for-Life, independent Advisors - cabinet members will still be sworn as Privy Councillors, but will no longer fill all the seats on the Council & it's committees (Treasury Board etc).

This will require rescinding of PC Order In Council 1940-1121 that merged the Clerk of the Privy Council with the office of the PM's principal Secretary .. a trifling matter that will be all that is constitutionally required to return Canada to it's as-written status.

The BNA Act and the letters Patent state that the Governor General can act "individually" ie without the Advice and/or Advice and Consent of Her Ministers (save for the occasions contemplated by s. 13 of the 1867 Act) and so given this Authority the present Governor General will do exactly that.

She will not initiate Legislative Bills ... but .... will absolutely assert the ss.55-57 +s.90 powers to Assent, Withhold Assent and/or Reserve Bills that are presented ... no more "holding the nose and Assenting".

Notwithstanding the above, She said She may offer an occasional 'suggestion for discussion' in either the Parliament or in the Court of Public Opinion (see second suggestion below)

The Governor General continued:

"In this way the Leaders of the Lower House (4th level from top, 3rd depending how you count) can be freed from the practicalities of always running for re-election while in a sworn-by-oath, fiduciary position to make counter-to-self-interest decisions for the longer-term, best interest of the whole country.

"My wish is to fulfill the intentions of the Framers of the BNA 1867 - by following it's written provisions, irrespective of how far convention has swerved from those provisions and irrespective of any "expert's" interpretive view (& no matter how many University Professor's career-making books might need re-writing)

"My first action as Head of Government and Governor General will be to have a version of the Constitution/BNA 1867-present re-formatted into Plain Language and placed on the Canada website with links to the background materials, citations and historic precedents ie the Charter of the Hudson's Bay Co 1670, the Treaty of Paris & Royal Proclamation both of 1763, the Quebec Act 1774, the Constitutional Act of 1791, the Act of Union and the other Acts that pre-date the BNA .... BUT STILL HOLD AUTHORITY over the operation of the law in Canada where no subsequent Act over-rides them.

My Second suggestion will be asking the Canadian public to consider whether the Net-Worth & Real Property qualifications and disqualifications for Senators should be adjusted-for-inflation. This is the only dollar amount in Canada that has not been "seasonally adjusted" .... and much has changed in dollar values since 1867.

In his first act as the Governor General's Clerk, Wayne G.H.,W. Wouters summarized by saying:
The intention is to empower Canadians as true citizen-proprietors of their country and to return the elected officials, ministers and bureau-workers to their place as Stewards of the Public's Trust, Assets, Liabilities, Past Present & Future.

Many philosophers have said that a Benevolent Autocracy/Dictatorship is the best form of government ... others favour popular Democracy .... perhaps the 'hydrid' envisioned by the Framers of Confederation and today re-repatriated by the Governor General is superior to either.




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