The Science of Kovid applied to Baseball Statistics — a ParabAnalogy
All-time batting champion of the National Cumulative Baseball Association, Babe DiMaggio has just chalked up hit number 31,419 (since beginning of his career)
This grand total includes off-season hits at winter league, the spring training hits of 14 seasons and of course also counts the hits that were caught by other players (players call them deaths) and the hits that looked fair initially but landed foul or bounced into the dugouts, TV bays or other places (called Falsies by the players)
31,419 – truly an amazing total!!
One day we may start annualizing hits or averaging them per game – or calculating the probability of his past hits into a projection of his future totall hits, or his potential average rate of hitting – but that’s just speculation.
Some Pundits have suggested eliminating the caught hits or foul hits from the lifetime totals – But for now we count every one
And add them all together – because it makes the biggest number
The Champ doesn’t mind – he gets paid per hit – so the bigger the number the more he earns
The new league being formed down in the south-east part of the country (I don’t know if it will catch on) is now playing pro games but they only pay the players for the hits that directly or indirectly advance runners to home plate resulting in a score.
The new league is paying 3x as much for real valid contributing hits – but the existing players esp those in the old league like the old system because they get paid for every bat-contact (and some players have old-days contracts that pays them based on totals from beginning of their careers)
We’ll see. That’s the Science of baseball
It’s on TV everyday- every announcer has the same glorious stats!
And every one knows to Trust the Money (oops I mean Science)
2:50am in Bed Dec 19, 2021
© 2021 Rce
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