GG Succumbs to self-serving Advice - Is She afraid to wield Her Constitution-Authorized Power! D*mn man-made Conventions -follow the text!!
Summon the whole Privy Council - to recommend "An Elegant Solution"
Robert Ede
Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:11 AM
Dear Mr Lynch,
Summon the whole Privy Council!
Who better or more ably equipped with the institutional memory to consult with Ms Jean
Summon each and every one ... going back to the dean, Paul Hellyer 1957
The (old, titular) Governor General is Dead, Long Live the (new 1867 revitalized) Governor General
-- Robert (Rob) Ede,
An Elegant Solution - Minority/Coalition Constitutional Crisis
cc GG, cc PM et al
Who am I to so boldly suggest possession of such an idea?
1992 - Leader of the "Majority of Canadians" Charlottetown Referendum No Committee
1993 - Candidate Federal Election - York North, Libertarian vs M Bevilaqua
1995 - Candidate Ontario Election - York Centre, Libertarian vs the late Al Paladini
2006 - Candidate Federal ByElection - London North Centre, Independent - running on this very same Constitutional Platform
Translator - Plain Language Version of the Canadian Constitution (still in process,but applicable parts complete)Author - Sunset Sketches of a Little Country (written as RipVanWinkled Stephen(dot)Leacock)
Author - Walk a KB or 2 in My Mocassins - general commentary
Bio: Robert Ede
An Elegant Solution
Canada needs a solution that will a) restore the as-written, BNA1867, Executive Order of Government (as described ss9-16), b) end the current partisan/personal game-playing, c) punish the self-serving, elected scoundrels and d) reward everyone else.
Dear Reader, I submit that with 3 of these you already agree -but the 4th, the Privy Council aspect, you're scratching your head.
That's normal, nobody has read and absorbed the Constitution because Canadian civics can never be successfully taught in schools because the de facto does not match the de jure -and that's the rub if we have a BNA/Constitution Act, shouldn't we follow it?
I believe we should follow the Consitution and therefore have placed of restoration of the original Executive as the #1 objective.
(click "Plain Language Constitution" and you get my translation, commentary and proofs)
Application to Crisis at hand:
-Prorogued or not, the current Minority/Coalition crisis will end up on the Governor General's desk.
-Ms Jean must Stand Up to the self-serving individuals proffering advice to Her (particularly the elected ones) NB Who else, beyond the elected players, IS advising Her? -shouldn't we know their backgrounds and biases?
in my opinion, She must Stand Down - acknowledging that She is unequal to the challenges of the full, as-written, authority of the Highest Office in the land.
-Ms Jean must re-read sections 9-16 & the 1947 Letters Patent and tell Mr Harper to:
1) form an All-the-Talents Cabinet with members called from all the parties represented in the Lower House
2) and to stipulate that this form of ministry will govern for the term set out in Mr Harper's Fixed Elections Date legislation, irrespective of who holds the office of Prime Minister
3) and further to stipulate that the Office of Clerk of the Privy Council will be returned to the control of the Governor General (simply by rescinding Order in Council P.C. 1040-1121).
I respectfully ask the Canadian people to endorse this proposed solution.
PS In addition, we need to Elect the next Governor General (process also described on above blog)
Caveat -Failing to take this action (or something very similar) at the Governor General level will mean that one of the Leaders will form a "some-of-the-Talents" cabinet (for their own benefit). That self-serving effort will likely fail sooner than later, forcing an election-of-desperation and this opportunity to focus the attention of the Canadian voter on recovering their Privy Council from the usurpers of the Lower House will be lost.
Robert Ede
Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:11 AM
Dear Mr Lynch,
Summon the whole Privy Council!
Who better or more ably equipped with the institutional memory to consult with Ms Jean
Summon each and every one ... going back to the dean, Paul Hellyer 1957
The (old, titular) Governor General is Dead, Long Live the (new 1867 revitalized) Governor General
-- Robert (Rob) Ede,
An Elegant Solution - Minority/Coalition Constitutional Crisis
cc GG, cc PM et al
Who am I to so boldly suggest possession of such an idea?
1992 - Leader of the "Majority of Canadians" Charlottetown Referendum No Committee
1993 - Candidate Federal Election - York North, Libertarian vs M Bevilaqua
1995 - Candidate Ontario Election - York Centre, Libertarian vs the late Al Paladini
2006 - Candidate Federal ByElection - London North Centre, Independent - running on this very same Constitutional Platform
Translator - Plain Language Version of the Canadian Constitution (still in process,but applicable parts complete)Author - Sunset Sketches of a Little Country (written as RipVanWinkled Stephen(dot)Leacock)
Author - Walk a KB or 2 in My Mocassins - general commentary
Bio: Robert Ede
An Elegant Solution
Canada needs a solution that will a) restore the as-written, BNA1867, Executive Order of Government (as described ss9-16), b) end the current partisan/personal game-playing, c) punish the self-serving, elected scoundrels and d) reward everyone else.
Dear Reader, I submit that with 3 of these you already agree -but the 4th, the Privy Council aspect, you're scratching your head.
That's normal, nobody has read and absorbed the Constitution because Canadian civics can never be successfully taught in schools because the de facto does not match the de jure -and that's the rub if we have a BNA/Constitution Act, shouldn't we follow it?
I believe we should follow the Consitution and therefore have placed of restoration of the original Executive as the #1 objective.
(click "Plain Language Constitution" and you get my translation, commentary and proofs)
Application to Crisis at hand:
-Prorogued or not, the current Minority/Coalition crisis will end up on the Governor General's desk.
-Ms Jean must Stand Up to the self-serving individuals proffering advice to Her (particularly the elected ones) NB Who else, beyond the elected players, IS advising Her? -shouldn't we know their backgrounds and biases?
in my opinion, She must Stand Down - acknowledging that She is unequal to the challenges of the full, as-written, authority of the Highest Office in the land.
-Ms Jean must re-read sections 9-16 & the 1947 Letters Patent and tell Mr Harper to:
1) form an All-the-Talents Cabinet with members called from all the parties represented in the Lower House
2) and to stipulate that this form of ministry will govern for the term set out in Mr Harper's Fixed Elections Date legislation, irrespective of who holds the office of Prime Minister
3) and further to stipulate that the Office of Clerk of the Privy Council will be returned to the control of the Governor General (simply by rescinding Order in Council P.C. 1040-1121).
I respectfully ask the Canadian people to endorse this proposed solution.
PS In addition, we need to Elect the next Governor General (process also described on above blog)
Caveat -Failing to take this action (or something very similar) at the Governor General level will mean that one of the Leaders will form a "some-of-the-Talents" cabinet (for their own benefit). That self-serving effort will likely fail sooner than later, forcing an election-of-desperation and this opportunity to focus the attention of the Canadian voter on recovering their Privy Council from the usurpers of the Lower House will be lost.