Walk a Kb or Two in my Moccasins- Nobody 'splained it to me like that!

Simple answers to Complex Questions and Complex Answers to Simple Questions. In real life, I'm a Greater-Toronto (Canada) Realtor with RE/MAX Hallmark Realty Ltd, Brokerage. I first joined RE/MAX in 1983 and was first Registered to Trade in Real Estate in Ontario in 1974. Formerly known as "Two-Finger Ramblings of a Forensic Acuitant turned Community Synthesizer"

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Location: Province of Greater Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Atheists have a place in discussions on faith - OttawaCitizen

Atheists have a place in discussions on faith - Opinion -Ottawa Citizen

Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/opinion/op-ed/Atheists+have+place+discussions+faith/3431161/story.html#comments#ixzz0xWep7Frf

Dear Ed,
I agree.

And their faith in "no-god" should no longer be treated as the "state religion".

I'm tired of a Canada where Faith in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ From Greek) is the ONLY faith that cannot be publicly spoken/represented/written without rebuke from some central authority.

All others are deemed minority faiths and all Cdns are forced to tolerate/accept/rejoice in this diversity, while their own faith is laughed at by the "no-god" believers and the central authorities.rce

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