Walk a Kb or Two in my Moccasins- Nobody 'splained it to me like that!

Simple answers to Complex Questions and Complex Answers to Simple Questions. In real life, I'm a Greater-Toronto (Canada) Realtor with RE/MAX Hallmark Realty Ltd, Brokerage. I first joined RE/MAX in 1983 and was first Registered to Trade in Real Estate in Ontario in 1974. Formerly known as "Two-Finger Ramblings of a Forensic Acuitant turned Community Synthesizer"

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Location: Province of Greater Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Royal" -restored to Military - how about the governance system?

Don't you wish the Governor General & Commander-in-Chief had had the public-mandate to step in and stop (or reserve for a National Referendum) some of the other unsustainable,and/or blatantly political and/or unCanadian decisions that rocked the fabric of this country since 1965?
There is no "formula" for selecting the person to be recommended to the Monarch as the GG - let's create an election system and put an end to the "Friendly Dictatorship"(Jeffrey Simpson) running Canada.
Dear Ed,
Hooray! "Royal" will be restored to the names of our Navy & Air Force .... another mistake of our Libertine P.M.'s regime is corrected!
Now, let's go all the way - Restore the "Vice Regal" Office to its proper place as "Benign Autocrat"/supervisor of the gov't/cabinet-of-the-day (and, since 1947's Letters Patent as the Commander-in-Chief in and over Canada).
How? Elected the Governor General!
The GG (see Executive Power Part III ss9-16 BNA 1867, representing the Monarch) has a veto over every Bill and action of the Legislative Power ( Part IV, ss 17-57).
As described in s. vs s13, our Governor General, as an individual, can simply withhold Royal Assent or Reserve any Bill (s.55) for further consideration by HRH (in Canada She's no longer "in Council" since 1982).
By electing the GG (at-large, every other General ConFederal Election, with a term commencing 365 days after return of Writs) we would give a mandate to actually use the double-checking powers crafted by the Fathers of Confederation as integral parts of the "seamless web" that is the BNA 1867.
They saw in 1867 (as we all can see now) how a republic can "lose itself" to self-interest, nationalism/jingoism, partisan politics, zeal-for-re-election, militarism and abuse of the fisc to buy votes from market-segments. 
Our Upper House's purpose was lost to some of these frailties (plus inflation because the Senate's disqualifying/qualifying criteria for net-worth & property-ownership were never revised from $4,000 - do the math)
The Senate was intended a the "first-check" on the Democratic Element and the Executive ( GG & Privy Council) were devised as the second-check, with the Monarch-in-Council as ultimate arbiter of the wisdom/folly of any Canadian measure.
Oh yes, that was then and this is now .... but the Constitution/BNA 1867 still reads the same way .... we're just not following its as-written, as-intended provisions.
Don't you wish the Governor General & Commander-in-Chief had had the public-mandate to step in and stop (or reserve for a National Referendum) some of the other unsustainable,and/or blatantly political and/or unCanadian decisions that rocked the fabric of this country since 1965?
There is no "formula" for selecting the person to be recommended to the Monarch as the GG - let's create an election system and put an end to the "Friendly Dictatorship"(Jeffrey Simpson) running Canada.
Canada, I salute you & challenge you,
Whose "Dominion" is Canada in the 21st Century?
PS There's also a Provincial Disallowance Power (s.90) the GG holds "in Council" with the Executive Power's Privy Council. As another restorative step we can rescind Order in Council 1940-1121 (scroll to text at bottom), a wartime, emergency measure of Wm L.M. King that merged the PMO with the Privy Council Office by changing the Clerk's job-description and appointing Mr King's, existing Principal Secretary to the "new", "expanded", anti-constitutional position.

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